Nedela Music
Vancouver, WA 98685
ph: 360-448-8572
Teaching Composition - Nurture the Nature
Help Develop Musical Instinct within Students in Your Studio to Create Music
How to Teach Composition
in YOUR Music Studio
Nurture the Nature even more than we would do with our instrument teaching. In teaching composition, "Nothing is wrong"-- "everything is right." Guide gently--even more than we would do when teaching our instrument. ALWAYS be student directed, student led and accepted--the student must accept their own music; and they must have our acceptance.
Composition is gradual; a little at each lesson, not always at every lesson, everything is accepted and nurtured, guided with specific assignments as students learn concepts of music within their lessons. Begin with the very first lesson, continuing as they learn music concepts, gradually and gently insist on accurate rhythm.
In this presentation, Liz will guide studio teachers in step-by-step approach to teach composition in the studio, using a minimal amount of time, and developed from the materials teachers use in their teaching method.
Any teacher can add these concepts to enhance student understanding of the music they are learning, add their own creativity -- and it's also FUN!
When students learn how to create their own music, they develop a "composer-eye-view" with the music they study. They not only learn theory, but they learn how to apply it and how composers have applied it to their music. Their knowledge and understanding of music becomes more deeply understood and helps with musical expression. Memorization also becomes more comprehensive and more reliable.
Psychologist Howard Gardner (see Wikipedia and other sources available in libraries and on the internet) is known for developing the theory of Multiple Intelligences that exists within every human, and Musical-Rhythmic is one of those innate intelligences (the Nature referred to above). Developing the musical intelligence is Nurturing the Nature -- development of what exists within regarding innate, music intelligence.
Contact Liz for more information
and to arrange a workshop for your
music-teachers association
or one-on-one instruction
in how to teach composition in YOUR music Studio
Workshop and/or presentation may include
a Master Class
and/or Adjudication
See the menu catagory on this site displaying some of the student compositions by Liz's students, many of which have been compeition winners.
What is the value of using
Computer Notation software...
how about software that provides rhythm-clips-play-along...
how about play-along- accompaniment music....
How does IMPROVISATION fit into Composition...
These and many more topics
are covered in the Workshop.
Copyright 2012 Nedela Music. All rights reserved.
Nedela Music
Vancouver, WA 98685
ph: 360-448-8572